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How we need to prepare


Identify what you need to put aside – pt 13 – Power

The next article in our series ‘Identify what you need to put aside‘ is Power.

Power in the convenient form of electricity is the bedrock of a modern society. Everything we do or want to do uses electrical power or could be converted to. Its removal in any event will be the biggest immediate culture […]

Identify what you need to put aside – pt 12 – Medical

The next article in our series ˜Identify what you need to put aside‘ is Medical.

In a post survival situation one of the most sought after skills will be medical experience. Experience gained working as a general practitioner or a paramedic would be highly prized as well as related experience such as working as a […]

Identify what you need to put aside – pt 11 – Sanitation

The next article in our series ‘Identify what you need to put aside‘ is Sanitation.

Not that long ago in real terms we threw our waste out of the windows and into the streets where people were walking and disease was rampant. People died in droves and any illness swept the cities and towns like […]

Identify what you need to put aside – pt 10 – Shelter

The next article in our series ‘Identify what you need to put aside‘ is Shelter.

Shelter means many things to many people. To some it means keeping out of the wind or rain, and if you are a smoker, you are denied that by law outside your own home so it clearly isn’t a human […]