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How we need to prepare


Last of the plums and peaches

Just picked the last of the plums and peaches. They were delicious. Coupled with the pears and blueberries that have now finished that is a significant chunk of my harvest for this year.

The plums and peaches are always a good crop and they taste nice too. I’ve even managed to save some this year […]

Handling prisoners

After an event we will eventually hit a situation where we need to restrain someone. Either a convicted prisoner, someone accused of a crime, someone who is drunk or just someone whom we want to restrain for some reason. It is inevitable once we start expanding the numbers in our community. The problem will then […]

The gun debate

It seems that the public is not drawing the same conclusion as our politicians from the rioting. Some are now questioning the governments handling on law and order and about time too. 6 months for stealing a bottle of water, 4 months for stealing 12 doughnuts while MPs get away with stealing thousands and those […]

Securing your home’s entry points

Although during the recent riots we have not heard of anyone breaking into private houses to loot I was considering the option of staying at home regardless of what went on around you. Here are some thoughts on securing the premises from all but the most determined.

You can secure your house reasonably easily. Most […]