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How we need to prepare


Fiction and reality

It looks like the threat of economic collapse has gone. We are officially out of recession. Government figures show growth in the last quarter and it isn’t even near Christmas, the traditional time for all of us to dig deep into our pockets and for money to be spent a lot easier than usual. I […]

Alcohol in preps

A very versatile liquid and one that I recommend we all have is alcohol. It can be bought now in shops but because of the exorbitant taxes put on it by our puritan government it is very expensive to buy. That state will only get worse until, like tobacco, it’ll mainly be bought from the […]

Adjusting the odds

It is interesting when you look back at what we were like as a society only twenty or thirty years ago. We were honest, law abiding and god fearing folk. I don’t mean we were all bible thumpers but we all had high morals and didn’t wish harm on others.

Interestingly enough that was probably […]

Normalcy bias

Reposted from the Forum.

An extract from A Process Driven Life

Normalcy bias and Conspiracy bias tendencies are two of the most prevalent mental conditions evident everywhere today, and most people you meet are suffering from one or the other at at some level. I have talked at length on my radio show and […]