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This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


Make soap out of horse chestnuts

Conker Soap / Viking Soap


1 – Peel approximately 24 conkers with a sharp knife. Conkers are a kind of horse chestnut and are easily available in the fall from trees or from gourmet nut stores. Discard the brown peels and rinse the white innards gently.

2 – Grate the white conker innards with […]

Low Tech Electronics

Whilst sorting through my older and uncatalogued non-perishable preps I came across a collection of resistors, capacitors and transistors from my old electronic days. I put them aside because I thought that they would be useful in my preps for electronic tasks such as communications, security systems and a variety of other tasks. Associated with […]

Keeping preps refreshed

I have been prepping for some time now and many of the items I have need periodic refresh. Some items go off, some perish and some are damaged in storage. It is similar to running a warehouse in many respects.

Checking your preps like I am doing now for damage just makes sense. Rain, wind, […]

Building Blocks

I’ve always tried to make my preps modular. This means that you have one item and then you can add on to it making something different without having to buy that completely different item. It is a good principle but it is not perfect for preppers. It can bring risk when it is not necessary.
