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How we need to prepare


Bee Time

The weather has started to warm up and the bees are starting to get out about daily instead of being trapped inside the hives. It is now time for me to check on them after the winter.

As you know I have two hives and with the amount of bees entering and exiting it looks […]

Garden Update End July

Veg seems to be going well except for the peas. They don’t respond well to being in grow bags but there has been a small crop. It wouldn’t have been enough to feed me but it certainly is more than enough to give me a larger start for next year. Been plagued with Cabbage Whites […]

Perennial Veg in the Preppers Garden.

I came across this topic by complete accident a while ago, while discussing with a friend what fruit we grow. We both agreed it would be great if there were vegetables that, like most fruit would be perennial. Well, this fired my imagination and got me researching. I found a surprising array of vegetables that […]

End June Update

As we approach the end of the first half of the year it is time for a quick update.

Fruit and veg are doing well. Had an issue with the onions at planting time and within a week about half were dead. I think I had waited too long to plant them after purchase. […]