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How we need to prepare


Gun ownership rising

It seems that legal gun ownership is on the rise. More and more people are seeing that guns are not something to avoid but a valuable tool and either using them for vermin control and other farming activities or sporting use such as target shooting or just plinking. Only a few weeks ago I fired […]

One horse power

Most of us in the UK don’t seem to do much horse riding. I can only assume it is because it is so expensive to keep your own animal. Those that are prepared to spend the money, spend every day cleaning the stable out, feeding it expensive hay and going for rides seem to come […]

Contact database update

Been busy today putting the finishing touches to the contact database. It’s almost ready to go once the final testers finish feeding back. Only outstanding issue is a question on how the country boundaries are worked out. I’m using this county map as it seems the latest one returned from Google and Bing. Politicians change […]

Rabbits for food

One of the things I was looking at doing was rearing rabbits for food. I thought is must be relatively easy. They are vermin and there seems to be millions of them all over the country. There is a back road I drive down in the summer that is lined with them, all sitting there […]