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How we need to prepare


Anyone up for the weekend challenge?

Tinkertytonk has read about this test in a survival book where you spend three days without modern conveniences such as electricity, water, heating, no car, no radio, no TV, no computer and see how you go. Safe, easy and simple enough. Its a safe environment to find out how much harder life is without such […]

What are the most likely events

Well to be honest it is impossible to say. People win the lottery every week at 14 million to one. People die and are seriously injured every day from accidents. All I can do is look at some facts and make educated guesses which I will list and explain my reasoning below;

WWIII Still possible […]

Making the most of opportunities

To prepare for an event and survive during and after an event we have to be adaptable and make the most of whatever comes along. It becomes a way of thinking and we can look at a negative situation and see an upside. There usually is one for everything although not always for the person […]

Making the most of your money

When I’m spending my own money I’m concerned about the price and value for money.

That is one reason I like shopping at the end of season sales. This is where the summer, or winter, lines change over for the seasons and the old stuff is sold off for a discount. After all who wants […]