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How we need to prepare


Untapped potential

When you talk to older people about prepping they all seem to think that it is of no interest to them, they won’t be here when that happens or they would rather die. It surprises me that people think that way considering that most of them are as healthy as they were 10 to 15 […]

Take, take, take

I read today that food prices have doubled and we can expect another £200 on our power, electric and gas, bills. This isn’t because of the recession, although it has not helped this is because of the deliberate policies of our governments to increase taxes via energy taxes. Businesses as well are stretched with taxes […]

You will never break one of these

Car failed to start yesterday and I just couldn’t get it going. My neighbour is a car mechanic, although he works in the chemical industry he builds and restores cars now as a hobby, so I asked him to have a look at it. After half and hour it became obvious that we couldn’t fix […]

A harsh reality

Now, in a way, by advocating preparedness we are supporting the idea that we will leave some people to die while we live on our stores. I justify that in my mind by comparing it with house insurance, keeping your car serviced and checking the freezer is powered. Not everyone does and they pay for […]