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How we need to prepare


Thinking Ahead – 5

The next in the series to make you think about things up front. Each of you will answer differently and you will all be right, or maybe wrong. It isn’t a sure thing with definitive Yes/No answers. There are no rights and wrongs only something to consider and plan for.

It is after an event. Your community is growing and you have a medical facility. There has just been an accident and a small group of children have been injured, two seriously. You turn up to help and find several children have arrived in the medical area. You start triage and find two seriously injured kids are there. Both require immediate help, one has a good chance of survival while one has a poor chance but as you are the only one there you can only work on one. You realise that the one with the poor chance is your sisters child. You have to start work immediately or both will be lost.

What are you going to do now?

9 comments to Thinking Ahead – 5

  • grumpy old man

    hi if i knew my nice would die and no one else could help with my advice, i would have to treat the child with the best chance i have to live with my choice’s that sit with me not other people however hard that is

  • Skean Dhude


    She may not die if she is treated. She has a poor chance but it is not definite. Many people survive with a poor chance.

  • fred

    You do what is necessary for the first to hold her in that position and then do what you can for the niece. Any chance of calling backup? I assumed you couldn’t from what you said.

  • Skean Dhude

    Interesting that two people now have assumed that your sisters child is a girl. I wonder what that means?

  • Silent Storm

    Blood is thicker than water. Family must always come first.

  • grumpy old man

    that is interesting for me to think of my (sisters child being a girl as i don’t have any sisters or brothers ?
    maybe because i have 3 girls and only 2 boys i thought of the child being a girl, thats got me thinking now.

    having said that my choice still stands but if i thought i could safe my sisters child as well i would try both.
    and if it was my child then they would come first

  • Skean Dhude


    No big deal. I was just curious. I’m now wondering if it would make a difference to people if it was a girl or a boy or they were older.

    Never mind though. It is just to make you think.

  • Tom Brolan

    I believe there’s a Star Trek episode that covers this debate – eventually ends up with the doctor in the situation going crazy over his decision. If there were anyone else that could help, I’d back off due to my conflicting interests and let them do it. Otherwise, I’d let someone else with no interest in either child make the call. Divest myself of the responsibility so that I don’t become a liability by beating myself up over it.

  • Skean Dhude



    Don’t remember that episode. What series is that?