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How we need to prepare


Hand Tools

I like to wander through the market stalls and car boots looking for old tools. Especially the sort that your granddad used to have which are unpowered. These tools are useful now but are going to be especially useful after an event.

These tools may be old and disused but these are the tools that will be of use to us after an event as they need no power. They may not be accurate to a thousandth of an inch nor can they work on the same material as our existing tools but our requirements will change and these are going to be the sufficient for our uses.

So far I have managed to find unpowered versions of almost everything except my lathe to put in my tool kit. I can see myself acquiring a wooden lathe but I don’t see myself doing much metal work after an event although if I had the capability it would be a service I would be offering. I have even considered making my own metal lathe or at the minimum acquiring the components now to ensure that the facility is available.

At the moment though tools are one of the many items I still purchase on my travels. Non perishable and useful means that they will be useful for a very long time and, providing I have enough, they could also be a barterable item.

I look for any tool that is in reasonable condition and cheap. No point in buying expensive tools where there are so many cheap tools being discarded as people tidy up or the older craftsmen retire or die. Check they work and that they are solid with no loose or broken parts, you are not after them for sentimental or decorative reasons.

These tools are also easy to store. Keep them with your normal tools. Just clean them, lightly oil and pack them away. No EMP or storage issues and a very cheap way to stock up of useful items.

3 comments to Hand Tools

  • UKS

    I based all of my preps based on a world without power especially my tool selection

  • Skean Dhude

    Good plan. I start from there too.

    It is just there are some things that just need power. Somethings there are no options for. So we adapt.

  • half

    Should look into bodging/bodgers. Folks that work in the woods, they build there lathes with springy branches and foot power, can’t work metal with them but still some pretty interesting stuff.