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The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


FarmBot Genesis

Here is a computer controlled growing tool called the FarmBot Genesis. It is a computer controlled farming robot which can be used to get the most out of each plot by controlling exactly where each seed is put, how much water it gets and it even can seek and destroy weeds. All using magnetic heads […]

Prepping for medical issues.

Been refreshing my medical kits over the last few weeks. I have an interest in staying alive and having some medical kit is a good way of doing that once the basics are sorted.

I’m a great believer in having a good kit with several items as well as some instructional books. I also believe […]

Dodgy knock off 2m / 70 cm / PMR 446 antenna for Baofeng

So It looks like I too have been caught out with the wave of dodgy knock off Antennas for my Baofeng UV5 RC antenna. On YT and only the respected Miklor site that are numerous articles and videos of people trying to distinguish between the Genuine stuff and the fakes.

Often its the ubiquitous Nagoya […]

Charley Tango Comms Bash July 2016

For all those with an interest in Comms with your prepping this was sent to me by one of our colleagues with a comms interest.

A serious Preppers Comms site


Seen a few comments from preppers about going to this could be very interesting for the Ham fans and preppers who like […]