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If this is your first time to the site then please read the Welcome Page.

Feel you are the only one concerned about the future? Read Am I Alone?

This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


NW Meet Aug 2016 Report

Well a bit behind the curve here but here finally is the NW Meet Report.

We met up at our usual location, Fred’s pad, and there was plenty of tea, biscuits and cake as Fred spoilt us. Probably because he actually had a few visitors at his place and proved to the neighbours that Ole. […]

PREPCOM: A comprehensive radio coms Standard for UK preppers

The objective of the PREPCOM radio coms standard is to maximise the effectiveness of UK based survivor radio stations following a major disaster in which conventional telecommunications have ceased.

For easy mnemonics the standard is the RULE OF 3S

3 is the important number. Remember it!

The 3 parts to the Standard are:

1/3:WHEN (Time […]

Survival UK Sites – Update

As per my previous post where I was looking to do something about the forum and was looking for input. I’ve been receiving input and thinking about this during my time off and have had several discussions, including during the NW meet this weekend (Report to follow later this week) and the input is fairly […]

Survival UK Sites next steps

Well after my previous post I received several comments on this site, several comments on the forum, a couple of emails and a couple of phone calls. Thank you all for your input.

A bit of history before we look at what was said.

I started the sites with several ideas in mind.

To provide […]