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How we need to prepare


Keeping your spirit up

One thing I always wanted to do but have never had the time to do is play a musical instrument. I want something rock and roll so that gives us the guitar or the drums. The piano, harps, flutes and trumpets all look too fuddy duddy. You can’t have a camp fire sing song with drums so that effectively leaves the guitar. My instrument of choice.

Now I’ve never had a go at a guitar but it looked easy enough to play a few notes. Position your fingers, strike the strings, move your fingers and repeat. The only thing is I know it is not that easy otherwise everyone would be able to play the guitar. However, I never got around to learning.

Today I found a book on playing the guitar in a charity shop so I bought it and had a quick read. It reinforces what I thought about the basic principles being easy but when I tried a few notes it didn’t sound like what I thought it would be but it did encourage me and makes me think I can do it if I need to. The only problem I have now is I have a million and one things I really need to do and playing the guitar needs practise.

So the book and a guitar are going into my stash. If there is an event it will give me something to do in the nights. I might even learn to sing. OK, maybe not. I’ll just have to be a rock and roller. Nobody expects them to sing a note. It will cover two roles; Give me something to learn that will be beneficial and keep others entertained and their spirits uplifted. Ok, maybe when I have learnt to play. Even being able to play a few notes enables a group to have a good time and uplift their spirits. It will be sorely needed.

Music isn’t going to be high on the list of cultural items saved. What will be saved is MP3s of the songs we have but there will be nobody to play them when the MP3 players die and nobody to create any new songs. Music is the one cultural area we are all aware of and can enjoy. Much more enjoyment than Art with pictures and sculptures. We should do our bit to make sure it can be passed on. I would envisage when people have a lot of spare time Art will come back but music we really need straight away. To keep our spirits up in bad times. Music does that much better than Art.

5 comments to Keeping your spirit up

  • Ronnie

    Guitar is easy to play a bit. A few chords and you can mumble your way through loads of songs. certainly keeps up moral on long, damp camping trips! You need to buy spare strings. Consider a recorder, much smaller, doesn’t need spare parts, can get wet, and if you can’t sing you can leave it to those who can!

  • maddog

    Why not a flute like Kwai Chang Caine?

  • Skean Dhude


    My thoughts exactly.

    Ronnie, Maddog,

    Don’t think it would suit me but it can’t do any harm to add both to the stash. You never know I might be good at it. Blowing hot air sounds right up my street.

  • PEACE ^_^

    Reading the word of God – the bible is full wisdom and knowledge.

  • Skean Dhude


    Many people find the bible keeps their spirits up. For the religious amongs us it is a must have book.