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How we need to prepare


Discover local wildlife and nature trails

As well as building up a knowledge of my local area by actively looking I’m also looking at building up a knowledge of the local tracks, wildlife and key areas. It may be something that will come in useful at some point during and after an event.

So I searched the web for tracks, waterways, fauna, wildlife etc. in Cheshire. I found the following books which I am interested in. I have a couple of them already and the rest have gone on my wish list for when I have some spare money. I’ve also explained the reasoning behind each so you can see the way I am thinking.

You should find similar books with knowledge of your local area and, if different, knowledge of the area around your retreat.

Now, I do not have all these books, and I might not buy them all as better ones may be out when I come to, but this is to give you an idea what I am looking at to build up my local knowledge. Remember, that I have good maps of my area already and have marked out the key areas on them from my previous surveys. Either add some reference data from these new sources or better yet get new maps and update with the wildlife and tracks data in the books. It will not be a waste actually going and have a look at some of the sites and walking the trails as well. Especially the escape and travel trails which could be potential lifesavers.

2 comments to Discover local wildlife and nature trails

  • Excellent idea I`m on it, I guess there`s a lot of my area i`m unfamiliar with.

    Regarding handcarts, I`m looking at carp fishing barrows, a bit pricey but purpose made for the job of hauling gear around over rough terrain, in a bug out on foot situation one could be invaluable, I`m thinking of the film The Road.

  • Skean Dhude


    Glad to help.

    I’ve not heard of carp fishing barrows but they sound great. Perhaps we could look at making our own.