Well it’s after Christmas and I’m all full up with Christmas food and cheer. I don’t drink but I enjoy the time with friends and family. Still busy with visiting and playing so there isn’t going to be much posting on the site.
I think that even if the world collapsed now nobody would notice. Most people are busy doing nothing and it’ll be next year before anybody noticed but we will assume that it isn’t going to because those useless politicians are on one of their many holidays and so are not there to screw anything up. I’ll be back in a few days with some articles and some more ideas for our preps. Starting with a section on what to plant and do in the garden every month.
In the meantime I’m off out shooting today. I’ve a lot of suppressed rage that some vermin are going to alleviate.
Hope you are still enjoying yourself. See you soon.
I’m fed up with Christmas too. I’m also fed up with the weather. Gales, torrential rain and thunder this morning about 3.00 am. My walking has been curtailed because of the weather. I have only had short walks and each time have arrived home drenched to the skin. I’m looking forward to better weather to get up on the hills and see to my growing areas. Have spent a number of hours looking through seed catalogues and selecting my seeds for the coming year. That has got my gripe over and I’m feeling a little better now. Kenneth Eames.
Glad you are feeling better. These sites certainly help. The weather has been good down here so I’ve not had your problem. What seeds you picked?
Bag me a brace of trade unionists.
SD, My seed list is very extensive and would require four or five A4 pages. Do you really want me to post the list? I need enough seed to last several years. Some seed packets only have small quantities of seeds, these are some of the medicinal herbs. Some are rare and I do not know if they will survive here. I certainly need to try them. Kenneth Eames.
If you have it then I would be interested as I’m sure many are. Instead of posting it though post it in the forum, it allows attachments, and put a link in this thread for those that are interested.
SD, My first order is for Panax Ginseng, Pleurisy root, Skullcap, Milk Thistle, Valerian, Symphytum (Comfrey), Astragalus, Balm of Gilead, Agrimony, Joe Pye, Gipsywort, Echinacea angustifolia, White Horehound, Arnica montana and Mugwort, Wormwood, Yarrow, Nepeta cataria, Centaury, Lady’s bedstraw, Marigold Yellow, Marshmallow, Mullein great, St. John’s wort, Blessed thistle, Holy Basil red, Pericaria bistorta, Balm, Tansy, Wild Strawberry and Garlic mustard. Ordered from Nicky’s nursery. When I have completed all of my orders I will give addresses as a list. Kenneth Eames.