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How we need to prepare


Reference Data

The prepper network discussion is progressing nicely with a lot of discussion on the forums so I want to step back and let those who know what they are doing talk about that.

One thing that was discussed that triggered an action I have been looking at for a while, namely crib sheets. These are sheets that we have that we can laminate and it contains useful information. In this case CB type speak and QSL sheets.

However, I’m also looking at anything else that fits in this category. Stuff that may be simple today such as phonetic alphabets, sign language, maritime flags, medical references, pressure points, antibiotic life, references for food grade containers, literally anything that you think is relevant. Even if it is specific to professions, or certain/general areas or something you find useful when you are doing something it is likely be useful to someone else.

Ideally, it will fit on two sheets A4 max and must be useful in a survival scenario. I’ll add it to the files for downloading.

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