It is interesting when you look back at what we were like as a society only twenty or thirty years ago. We were honest, law abiding and god fearing folk. I don’t mean we were all bible thumpers but we all had high morals and didn’t wish harm on others. We mainly had allegiance beyond ourselves to God, Queen and Country.
Interestingly enough that was probably the time when were still were able to produce everything we really needed close to home. We didn’t need to rely on people thousands of miles away for necessities but instead they provided luxuries and treats. Items we liked and wanted but didn’t rely on to live. Argueably the peak of our society.
We didn’t live in a surveillance society, a police state and we had, and accepted, that we had responsabilities to others. Except for the odd exceptions, and you will always have them, even our crooks had honour. Our politicians had a duty to the country, banks were simple stores for money and the NHS didn’t give diseases to people who came in for treatment of minor illnesses.
Back then if we had an event like a solar flare or an EMP we would have lost or TV, our radio stations and had all out tapes wipes. A catastrophy I’m sure you would agree but slightly less than that some event now. Back then we would still have had transport, cooking, heating and I suspect we could have lived until our music was replaced. People were growing their own food and were in a sharing mood. We would have helped each other out and would have banded together for strength.
Nowadays, we would lose our transport which would remove the ability of suppliers to keep us going in food. People would riot and anyone who looked like they had a stick of gum would be knifed to death. Our streets having few guns, for our safety. Inner cities would become unlivable for decent people and anyone who had their own garden or allottment would find that their food was gone. Simply taken by others. Most people would not band togethers and, ironically, recent immigrants would fare best. Not having lived the way we have they would find returning to the soil easier and still having a community spirit they would find banding together easier.
This puts us in a bit of a position. Having prepared for an event we need to be able to benefit from the sacrifice we have made to prepare. Stocking up and having items we don’t need for a while instead of buying the latest cars, TVs or simply drinking it away. We are also spending our most valuable resource, time, to prepare, investigate options and educate ourselves. We really need to also consider what will happen after an event. Watching TV shows on life after an event doesn’t do it. They are making entertainment for people, it is not a documentary. They never seem to have problems getting fuel, they have plenty of ammo and although food is scarce they can always find some. Nobody is starving, getting raped or dying horribly from lack of access to NHS care. They are not realistic and should not be considered a valid source of information. They can give you ideas though, things to consider and for that alone they are worth a watch.
It is my belief that we will need to keep away from people immediately after an event. New people in our lives would be a danger to us and from what I have read in forums and read on blogs even preppers would be a danger. Only people that you have built up relationships with and trust already should be trusted. The risk is just too great and although that is not showing community spirit I stand by it. It doesn’t mean we cannot help people where we can , and we should if we can without compromising ourselves. Once things have settled down then we can start being more open and reach out to strangers.
In the immediate aftermath of an event we won’t have allegiance of God, Queen and Country. Only ourselves and close family. I consider myself a moral person but I know that when push comes to shove I will be making sure that me and mine benefit from the preping I have been doing over the years. I’m not giving it up so others can live an extra few hours in a socialist huddle praising the state for their food.
The only way to do this is to maintain OPSEC and make sure you cache your preps away. Don’t for any reason expect others to be reasonable. They may be at the moment but when their kids are starving they will soon change. I know I would. Consider how you can do that in your selected situation.
Hah, I pledged allegiance to G Q and C and 40 years on I realise that it was a bloody mistake because Queen and Country did not give a flying f*** about us, As soon as I was mature enough to see how the establishment manipulated the sheeple into being obedient serfs willing to die for Q & C I became a Republican and a few years later a survivalist. The ruling elite in the UK only take away, rights, liberties, guns, self determination, freedom of choice and patriotism.
I despise what this country has become, and my allegience is only to my family and prepper group.
Morning All
All good points. I admit openly that if my child was starving, or my grand kids were starving my current moral code would go in an instant. I think understanding that you would be a totally different person in/after such an event is important, a good portion of prepping effectively, is in my opinion, in your head. You can have a shops worth supply of stored goods but if your mind is screwed you are doomed. Acceptance that you will most likely have to do things you would have never previously considered is an important element of any preppers armoury.
Take care x
Hah, I pledged allegiance to G Q and C and 40 years on I realise that it was a bloody mistake because Queen and Country did not give a flying f*** about us
G does though – He was just sayin’ t’other day …
Being ex Army, I am very sorry to say I am %100 behind N Raider, believe me it’s hard but the way this country treats it’s populace, but not our ‘bretheran’ from abroad it’s only to be expected.