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How we need to prepare


The versatile pumpkin

Halloween is approaching and there are several pumpkins in the house. £1 each for a pumpkin seems a bargain to me considering that as well as entertainment we are looking at providing seeds for next year as well as seeds and flesh for eating. How good is that?

At Halloween we normally cut and hollow […]

The Belles of St Clemence

I’ve never really seen citrus fruits as a UK crop as I have always associated them with hot places such as Italy and Israel. A scene with rows upon rows of citrus fruits sucking in the sun doesn’t bring to mind any part of the UK as background.

However, I have noticed that quite […]

Garden work again

Spent all my spare time in the garden again today. Seems strange to be out there in the sweltering sun in October but at least it gives me the chance to do what I need to do without getting soaked.

Finished off cutting back all the bushes and the trees at the back. Will leave […]

Time to start closing down for winter

With all the plants coming to the end of their yearly cycle and getting ready for the winter I’m out and about seeing what plants I can acquire ready for next year and tidying up the garden for the winter. Cutting back dead branches, removing branches from trees that are overgrown and emptying pots into […]