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How we need to prepare


Slugs, snails and bugs, definitely not puppy dog tails

After my comment in a previous article about trying some slugs and snails I thought I would go and have a look at what was available. In my view food animals that rear themselves in an inhospitable environment without any effort on your side deserve a place in your survival food stores. We may not […]

Chemicals or natural gardening

I’m a believer in the modern ways and that technology will be the saviour of mankind. Despite its use so far to suppress and control us. I believe that the advances we make will enable us to feed the world and allow us to progress whilst going back to the old ways will result in […]

Plants vs Seeds

Although I accept that we need seeds to survive after another few months of sap dripping from my hands I wonder if I could actually grow enough to feed me never mind my family from seed. You see despite everything I have put in place I find that almost everything I planted as seed earlier […]

Identify what you need to put aside – pt 6 – Livestock

The next article in our series ‘Identify what you need to put aside‘ is Livestock.

Livestock in this context is simply keeping animals and harvesting them for food and resources. Some animals can give us much more than food and sometime we keep them just for those resources. We are working here on the assumption […]