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How we need to prepare


Identify what you need to put aside – pt 5 – Plants

The next article in our series ‘Identify what you need to put aside‘ is Plants.

Last article we dealt with survival seeds. Seeds being nature’s way of reproducing. However, using seeds is not always viable as for some crops it just takes too long to get to a harvest or the growth from seed is […]

Identify what you need to put aside – pt 4 – Seeds

The next article in our series ‘Identify what you need to put aside‘ is Seeds.

Seeds are nice compact and easily transportable sources of food. Unless you are looking at coconuts. Just put in the ground, add water and sun and viola, days, weeks or months later depending on what you have planted you have […]

Rabbits for food

One of the things I was looking at doing was rearing rabbits for food. I thought is must be relatively easy. They are vermin and there seems to be millions of them all over the country. There is a back road I drive down in the summer that is lined with them, all sitting there […]

Feeding yourself with an air rifle

Just been sent a link to a just released book, The Airgun Hunter’s Year: From Dawn to Dusk Throughout the Seasons, it looks the kind of book that would be handy in working out the best hunting areas when you have limited resources.

While I was there I noticed this book, Fit for Table: The […]