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How we need to prepare


A Fungi to call your own

I like mushrooms. They are high on my list of items that I would like to grow for my consumption. The only problem is that I didn’t quite see how I can get them to reproduce.

As well as buying the bulk of my mushrooms from supermarkets I have tried to grow the mushrooms in […]

Catch that pigeon

What do you think about pigeons? Personally I dislike them because they are fat, heavy and cocky. They land on the branches of my trees, breaking them, devastate my bushes by flattening them and knock over any young plants I have. Never mind the little presents they deposit all over the place. On the plus […]

Natures little worker bees

A thought for some hard working and industrious insects, Bees. As you may be aware the bee population all over the world is declining. This has implications beyond the cost of honey for us as the bees pollinate nearly half of our food supply. This is a problem for us as a species and me […]

Roof gardens

Today I was looking at the roof at the back of the house. The roof is sloped at about 15 degrees, about 12 feet wide and about 30 feet long and covered in tiles. I was originally looking at putting some large pots up there for plants but then I had a thought.

I knew […]