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Feel you are the only one concerned about the future? Read Am I Alone?

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The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare



I go around the US sites quite a lot although not so much over the last few weeks due to time restraints. I’ve been over this weekend trying to catch up and one thing that I keep on seeing time after time is people who are reporting that something or another failed in their plans.


A Bee report

Yesterday I spent the day at my friends house. This is the friend with the Bees and I finally ended up seeing them. They have been moved from his back garden to a remote woodland and before we went we were discussing why. It seems that Bees, like everything nowadays, creates fear among the public […]

Handling prisoners

After an event we will eventually hit a situation where we need to restrain someone. Either a convicted prisoner, someone accused of a crime, someone who is drunk or just someone whom we want to restrain for some reason. It is inevitable once we start expanding the numbers in our community. The problem will then […]

Christian values

Although I am not religious I am a firm believer in many Christian principles. I was brought up a Christian and was always encouraged by actions to treat others as I wished to be treated myself, to be charitable, not to kill or maim, steal, fold, spindle or mutilate. Simple rules that if everyone followed […]