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Feel you are the only one concerned about the future? Read Am I Alone?

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How we need to prepare


An Elementary Herbal Course – Lesson 3 – Anodynes

Here is the third lesson following on from Lesson two : An Introduction to Herbal Medicine – Alternatives.


Anodynes are medicinal agents that quiet, relieve or kill pain.


Botanical name: Anthemis nobilis and Chamomilla matricaria.

Parts used: Flowers, leaves and stems.

Common names: Mayweed, Ground apple, Roman chamomile.

Therapeutic Properties and […]

An Elementary Herbal Course – Lesson 2 – Alternatives

I have written an Elementary Herbal Course for Preppers who are interested in Herbal Medicine to enable them to prepare for any adverse situation that might arise. Lesson one has already been published as ‘An Introduction to Herbal Medicine‘. It should be twenty lessons. Apart from the herbal lessons, there will be a short course […]

Menopausal Notes

Hot Flushes

Although these are the symptoms most complained of by women in menopause, they vary greatly in the amount of distress they cause. Treatment with herbs works well in most cases. You may need to take quite high doses to begin with, and cut down later.

Herbal Treatment

Herbal treatment to treat hot flushes […]


When we find ourselves in a survival situation, after the first rush of adrenalin, we find our health takes a low dive. It is this low that leads to stress with a great worry about what the future holds. The immune system has more or less collapsed.

It is now that we find all sorts […]