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How we need to prepare


Anaesthetics for survival

Watching a cowboy film today where a cowboy needed some dentistry performed. Of course in those days it usually involved just pulling the tooth. The anaesthetic used then was either a bit of chloroform, ether, a bottle of whiskey or being knocked out.

I think we are quite a bit further advanced than that and […]

Drugs and Medications

A Guide to Drugs and Medications by Dana

Drugs and medications for personal use and for dispensing to others is a dangerous practice, therefore an uninformed decision or action could possibly kill either yourself or someone else.


Ideally, a qualified or trained health care professional should dispense or give advice of any drugs or […]

Home remedies for Warts

Warts are small benign growths on the skin, caused by a variety of related, slow acting viruses HPV (human papilloma virus). There are at least sixty known types of HPV. Warts may appear singly or in clusters. I will write about three types of warts; common warts, plantar warts and genital warts.

Common Warts Common […]

Introduction to Herbal Medicine

As you are interested in herbal medicine, you should learn as much as possible about the type of soil in which plants thrive, the colour of the flowers, the number of petals, and so on. This study of plants is termed Botany. There have been many books written on Botany, perhaps you could borrow some […]