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How we need to prepare


Herbal Medicines

A guest post by Beladonna.

There will always be medical emergencies that can be treated by having ability in, and knowledge of, first aid; this is what usually keeps the patient safe until the professionals arrive, but if and when the SHTF, there probably wont be any professionals to attend, even if there are communications […]

Start your book collection here

You may be aware that I am an avid reader. I love books and have thousands in my collection. Most are fiction books, sci-fi, mysteries and adventure books but I have many non fiction books on such diverse subjects as building your own weapons, basic chemistry, how to books on various subjects and many different […]

TEOTWAWKI Home Dentistry, by Frank J. – A repost

First of all I would like to thank JW Rawles, of SurvivalBlog fame, for allowing me to publish this article. When I wrote to him explaining that I was setting up a site with a bias to UK prepping he gave me permission to republish 10 of his posts to get me started. A true […]

Look after your eyes

Another area which we do not look after at our peril is our vision. Too many of us take risks on a regular basis with our eyes. We handle chemicals, drill, chisel and take a hundred and one other minor risks without eye protection. In addition we don’t really get our eyes checked until we […]