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How we need to prepare


Treating burns Post SHTF

No matter how hard you try to prevent it, it’s going to happen. At some point someone is going to get burnt and there will be no doctor to attend them.

There are many types of burns, some of which you will be able to do nothing about in a post-collapse situation.

Chemical Burns

In […]

A Spoonful of Sugar

Whilst on a recent holiday in Egypt a fellow traveller cut himself, quite badly, on what or how I have no idea, he was Russian with no English, I am English with no Russian. I made hand gestures as if I was suturing the wound, and then took out my mobile indicating I was going […]

Building Immunities

One disadvantage of living in the cotton wool society we live in now is that our bodies as well as our minds become weak. Living in a socialist state means we don’t have the balls to fight for what is right and wait for someone else to do it for us. We are a bunch […]

Storing your preps

As our preps rely on us storing things we need to be pretty sure how we are going to do that correctly. Storing things, anything, is not just sticking it in the loft or in the shed and leaving it until we need it. Storing and preserving them for use requires careful handling.

There are […]