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How we need to prepare


Woolly hats and heart attacks

Each winter there is a myriad of articles published warning us about the dangers of hypothermia, how to spot it and what to do about it. There are articles warning about cold injuries such as frostbite, warnings to the elderly about the dangers of not keeping at least one room warm. Warnings to get the […]

It’s Winter Germ Season

Can you prevent getting a bout of flu? Well, not really, but here’s a hell of a lot you can do to minimise your chances of getting this very common, debilitating and sometimes fatal condition.

Firstly, realise that you can’t prevent others from walking around and happily sharing their germs with everyone else including you, […]

Killer Fruit

For some years scientists have been making the connection between drug reactions and the foods we eat. A good example of this is milk taken at the same time as some antibiotics preventing the full absorption of the drug if they are ingested at the same time.

Scientists at the Lawson Health Research Institute […]


I have news that will be valuable to you and to your family or prepping group. It’s not a groundbreaking new invention, you can’t buy it, or pick it up from a dumpster. It’s something that has been around as long as the human race and is rarely discussed openly. It’s something that could quite […]