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How we need to prepare


Are you sure? Would you bet on it?

In my experience people are over confident in their abilities and continually feel they are in a better position or have covered all the bases more than reality would suggest. In the situation where they are preparing something for someone else no risk or danger is enough to dent their confidence in the slightest. This […]

The UK makes a good place for a Survival retreat

Here in the UK the weather isn’t really all that extreme. We get about four or five weeks of cold with snow and ice in the winter, normally just in the minus figures, and we get about six or seven weeks in the summer with sun, about 18°C, and odd summer showers. Average temperatures for […]

Testing your assumptions

In my real life role I work in IT. I’ve worked for several companies on several different projects including Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning and one of the most consistent risks was that very few of them have ever tested their contingency plans and tested them as if it was a real disaster. They can […]

Quantity or Quality?

An area that needs considerable thought in our preparations is getting the best value for our money. Making our purchases cost effective. Most of us have limited financial resources and we therefore are always looking for the biggest return on our investment. We automatically carry that thinking into our survival preparations but is it the […]