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How we need to prepare


Score yourself in preparedness

A guest post by Skvez.

Having just done the 2011 UK census I was wondering about a ‘preparedness equivalent’. It’s a path and we are all at different points on the path with different ideas of where we want to be. This score chart is far from perfect but I found it helpful to clarify […]

Survival is not just about living

When I think of survival and survival planning I’m thinking to cover two distinct timescales. Planning ahead for what I need.

The first timescale covers simple survival. The aftermath of a disaster or collapse where everything falls apart and you, and your family, are on your own with no shops to buy food, hungry people […]

Planning for the best and the worst

Years ago when I started looking at survival it looked like it was going to be easy. You just stocked up on food and other stuff and then lived happily ever after even if the situation was not a temporary one and lasted for years. The thought was that we would always get back to […]

Get the timing right

As we all know, including the flat earthers, the earth rotates once every 24 hours. This gives each area on the planet a different midday. Obviously we needed to standardise on time to ensure that we were all talking from the same base which meant when you moved slightly east you didn’t adjust you clock […]