The following are paper books that I am recommending you purchase for your survival library. They may be expensive to buy and bulky to store but they don’t need you to remember anything and are available for you and others even if you have no power so are ideal for a survival situation. Sure, download them as your main source if you wish, but buy at least these in paper form for backups.
Basic Survival
Basic stuff. Live off the land. The minimum you need.
- Outdoor Survival Handbook: A Guide To The Resources And Materials Available In The Wild And How To Use Them For Food, Shelter,Warmth And Navigation
- Outdoor Survival Guide (Dk Living)
First Aid
Buy one of these for your library, although kept in the medical cupboard, and, if you can afford it, buy one St.John’s Manual for each medical kit you have.
- St. John Ambulance – First Aid Manual: The Step by Step Guide for Everyone
- First Aid for Babies and Children Fast
- Pocket First Aid and Wilderness Medicine book
- Where There is No Doctor
- Where Women Have No Doctor
- Where There is No Dentist
- The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
- The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook
- BMA New Guide to Medicines and Drugs
Take with you when you are out and about and see what you can find.
And finally, a notepad that is waterproof for when you are out and about.