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How we need to prepare


Bee Update

Migrated the bees from the first Beehaus to some new hives last week so I could try out the Rose Hive Method and it all seemed to go well. Went away and left them to themselves to settle in. They are still going back and forward with pollen to keep the hive going.

Today I’ve been prepping the second hive, the one I’m going to split and it is coming along nicely as well. Plenty of growth and activity.

While doing that I went into the new hive to see how it was going and it doesn’t look too good. I can’t find the queen and there are no eggs or larvae which means the queen has not been laying since I migrated them which suggests that I must have killed or injured her in some way during the transfer. Having no eggs means that the bees can’t replace her so the hive cannot survive on its own.

I’m going to take a frame of eggs from the second hive and use it to kick start the first hive. Of course it means I’ll have to delay migrating the second hive for a week but I need to try and save the new hive.

Such is life in the animal kingdom. Nothing ever goes as planned.

SDAF takes off

I’ve been waiting for a while now but last week I took delivery of my first Air Superiority Fighter for the Skean Dhude Air Force (SDAF).

Although it isn’t as much a fighter but more of a surveillance drone. It is a Hubsan X4 H107D FPV quadcopter.
Hubsan X4 H107D Full Kit

I was going to wait a buy a fully programmable drone but I seen this one. 100M range, First Person Viewing, a camera on board displays on a screen on the control box and for £100 I was impressed. So I bought it to see what it was like.

Arrived very quickly and just needed the drone battery charged via USB charger and AAs for the control box. It was ready to go. The box contained some spare prop blades and a prop protector which I installed. The actual drone itself fits into the palm of your hand. It is so compact.

So come time to give it a go. Well I made the mistake of trying it in the back garden first. Took off nicely but it was out of trim so it veered into the garage wall. Oops. Missing one prop blade. Can’t find it anywhere. So opened the replacement set and loaded in the new blade. Another go. This time the trim was a bit better and it went up fine and was easily moved around but I crashed it being smart and steering between some trees, another blade disappeared and I had to replace that. I was very impressed with the quality of the picture sent back to the control unit. It is certainly good enough to see anything you want to see. The drone is pretty noisy though as it sounds like a beehive full of bees buzzing away and there are very bright LEDs on the arms which make it extremely visible especially at night it certainly won’t be easy to hit due to its size and the fact that it is quite nimble.

You only get seven minutes from a charge which to be honest is enough to cover the range which is quoted at 100m although I suspect that you will only get that outdoors with line of sight. The range will be fine for me. I can use it to view around my house and see what is there. I’ve bought two additional batteries so that if necessary I can get the battery replaced fairly quickly and get the drone back into the action. I could use it to check areas that are out of sight to see if someone is hiding there and being fast and nimble it is unlikely to be brought down by bad guys/ I am considering disabling or replacing the LEDs to make things a little less conspicuous but I will try removing them to save power first and see what happens.

Hubsan X4 H107D Drone
I’ve crashed it a few times now and it still seems fine although I have lost prop blades. Not damaged but lost. They just disappear and are never seen again. They must spin away so fast that they travel quite far before coming to ground. I’ve had three crashes, three lost blades and am now grounded until I get some replacements. I’ve ordered several sets from eBay.

After playing with it a few days I’ve come to the conclusion that it is a very useful bit of kit for reconnaissance and security and a bargain at £100. However, make sure you get a couple of spare batteries and plenty of spare prop blades.

Bank Holiday Weekend Work

Bit of a damp squib for most of it as I wanted to get out and sort out the bees before I’m away for a few weeks but was held up by the weather.

Got out there on Sunday though and sorted them out. Found a few queen cells which is a precursor for swarming so removed them. My best hive is still my best hive which is very active and almost full. I could do with moving it around this week but won’t be able to.

Planted a few items but my main work was sorting out and packing away. I’ve got several nice solid storage crates which hold about 80L like they use for office moves and which is great for most things. However, tools and similar items are just too heavy when packed in that volume so I have just had several small storage crates, at 25L, delivered. They are OK to lift when fully packed so fits into my rules of making everything lift able by one man.

I want everything to be lift able and carry able by one man in case the eventuality arises that there is only one of you and you need to move out. Going back and forward a few times in better than having to open and unpack in a hectic situation and if you do have to run having a self contained package with everything you can carry is the way to go. I label everything up so you know what is in each container.

One thing I wanted to do but not found out the best way yet is to pack items with an inert gas. I have seen several solutions that involve placing iron wool and salt in a container and sealing it up but I am not happy with that solution as some of the containers are metal and salt and metal are not good bedfellows. I’d prefer a gas that I can release into the containers and then seal but can’t find a reasonable way to do this. So still looking.

I’m also looking at changing my food storage methods. Currently I have stacks of tins in a spare room and I’m looking at making them more modular and thus transportable. The storage crates are not ideal for this as they are not really designed for this. Stacking them in the same way that they are delivered to supermarkets isn’t very good either as they assume a percentage of damaged containers and losses. I can’t afford that especially if they are moved around regularly by ham fisted lifters. By the time we come to open them and use them we could have a considerable loss.

I’ve looked at several options, wooden containers, bubble wrapping everything, bubble wrapping between stacks, small shrink wrapped packages, small storage crates and all have their issues regarding aspects of food storage. Either they won’t travel well, they are difficult to store, check for damage or leaks. In my view the only real way to store them is keep them in little trays like they are delivered, still shrink wrapped if you can, but if not shrink wrap them and then pile them up in easily manageable blocks. Try not to pile them too high though. This is where racking comes in. I have enough storage crates, racking and packaging materials to start my own removals business.

Shrink wrapping and packing away is going to start in earnest over the next few weeks.

Popular UK Rifle Calibres

I’ve been looking around to see what the most popular calibres in the UK are so I can prepare by having reloading capabilities for these calibres.

I went about it in a very unscientific way. From a suggestion I looked at what was for sale secondhand on GunTrader and from shops local to me. Basically any score above 60 was included as there were dozens of calibres at less than 60 units, 60 being >1%. There were a total of 6286 for sale which gives me an idea of what is being traded and gives me an idea on what is out there.

From collating sources and totalling calibres for sale it appears that the most popular calibres are;

Calibre Number Percentage
.22LR 1396 22
.243 1282 20
.17HMR 860 14
.308 740 12
.223 620 6
.22 250 366 6
.270 216 3
.222 158 3
.30 06 124 2
.25 06 64 1

I must confess I am surprised by where the .243 is on there but the rest of it makes sense. The .22LR and the .17HMR are two major calibres which most have on a FAC but I was surprised with the .243 being so high up. I would guess though that the top 5 are the most popular calibres, at nearly 75%, so I’m going with those. I now need to put a variation in for a .308. Wonder how the Stasi are going to take that.

Pity I can’t reload .22LR or .17HMR which is the most popular. Rimfire is an issue but is cheap enough to buy atm when it is available.