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How we need to prepare


Pottering around

Continuing on the theme of biblical times there was not a lot of technology available then, so I’m told, and so there wasn’t much in the way of industry. Making tools from metal was the height of technology although making tools from clay was much more common. Clay being much easier to use and more readily available. Ornaments, plates, bowls, cups, containers and kitchen utensils were produced by those with the knowledge and the tools. Even today many items are made with clay for use around the home and workplace although plastic with its additional properties, cheapness and ease of use has almost, but not completely, replaced it.

Plastic however will be in short supply in a disaster scenario. If you have an extrusion machine or your own 3D printer then you can use it to make items such as piping, plates, cups and containers for your use. In fact anything you can design on the computer can be printed out. Better stock upon the plastic resin so you can keep going though.

When you run out of plastic in an ironic twist you can use your 3D printer to print clay items. Using the same techniques and software just different ingredients obviously. You can design and build everything you can do with plastic with clay. It is much cheaper as well.

Bearing in mind a 3d printer is around £1K for the cheapest model atm and the plastic source material is £50 a pound you need to be very careful what you use it on. Just using it to produce an egg cup is not going to be very cost effective when you can buy half a dozen for a £1 in the stores. However, making your own blades for a custom built water turbine is going to work out better. When the prices come down to affordable levels and the resins come down in prices as well most handymen will have one in their workshop with the plans to build a million little items that you can just print out when you need them. A real life replicator but not quite at the standard of Star Trek yet.

However, imagine how handy this would be in a survival situation. Pity they are still so expensive but let us keep them in mind as the price comes down.

Then when the 3D printer or your computer breaks or you simply cannot generate the power you can fall back on the old old method of making clay items. Your hands and a kiln. Something that you can afford or make. Pottery making with clay for beginners. Start by making your own clay followed by making your own pottery wheel then your own kiln and then learn how to make things with clay not forgetting the glaze to finish it off. Of course if you have the money buy the kit here. Sounds simple enough and remember people have been making things this way for thousands of years. I’ve put some files in the download section for offline reference.

The following books have been recommended on my travels.

Remember of course that bricks are a cornerstone (groan) of building homes in the UK and are little different from pottery. The main difference is the much higher temperature required to fire them. Here is a site dedicated to making bricks for you to peruse. You never know when making bricks will be required.

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