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How we need to prepare



I’m not a fitness fanatic. I swim once a week, I walk several miles a week and I am careful with what I eat, preferring fruit to meat or vegetables. I don’t do silly things any longer and I am more than careful with what I do, looking when I cross roads, being careful on hills etc. I am also nowhere near fit but I suspect I am better than most. Today I met a guy in the swimming baths who is 80 and was swimming back and forward like a pro. I can’t do that now and one length at full speed would probably see me off.

I can remember, and it wasn’t that long ago, I was much fitter than I am now. I have allowed myself to relax. I cannot hold my breath anywhere near what I used to be able to do. I also cannot run anything like I used to or for anywhere near as far and my muscles have atrophied. OK, I’ve not got stick insect arms but I cannot lift my own body weight up easily and I certainly cannot jump around like I used to. My fingers are still strong though.

Some of that is the by product of getting old but the rest is sheer laziness. I can do better and I know people 20 years older than me who can do all these things. They just invest some time to do so. So I’m going to build myself up again. Not too much because I think it is counterproductive but certainly improve on where I am now.

I’m going to start back on the routine I used to do religiously.

  • Breathing exercises
  • Stretching exercises
  • Light weights
  • Rowing
  • Push ups
  • Crunches
  • Walking
  • Swimming

Except for the walking and the swimming all the rest have fallen by the wayside. I’m going to resurrect my routine and start again.

It was really quite simple. I would start with the stretching, do some rowing, push ups, crunches and then some weights and then would finish with the breathing. I would go walking most days and swimming once a week. That kept me reasonably fit for a long time. I would set a number or time for each exercise and every few days I would increase it by one or a proportion until I met my target. Starting at 3 minutes stretching, 10 minutes rowing, 10 push ups, 10 crunches, 3 minutes weights and 3 minutes breathing to a cycle. Once I can hit each target without effort several days in a row I will increase that target until I am at my final target where I will leave it because I want to just keep a level of fitness and not build bulk.

What about your fitness level? Have you even thought about it? It isn’t impossible unless you have a medical issue that stops you. If you do consult your doctor. Just start slow and slowly build yourself up. Set reasonable targets and don’t move them up suddenly because you met them once. Slowly but surely is best. Obviously you set your target at where you want it to be and your starting points as well. Doesn’t matter how low to begin with it will build up.

4 comments to Fitness

  • Ronnie

    Probably one of the top 5 most useful things you can do to prepare, as well as extending you actual and enjoyable life. My fitness is in a similar state, and I’m building up slowly. I can jog a couple miles now, and feel fine after, so need to up the distance and speed. I can do a full day digging/cutting logs, but will be knackered next day. Need to get stronger.

  • Skean Dhude

    Sounds like you are in front there. I couldn’t jog few miles although I can walk a fewmiles briskly so it’s only a couple of steps up the fitness ladder.

    I think many of us could do with getting stronger. For when we have to dig and chop to live.

  • Ronnie

    Used to think the same, didn’t think I could do it either. If you’re fit enough to walk briskly for a couple of miles, you probably CAN jog one. I’m talking about pure fittness, rather than joint health, asthma, etc. Half the time when you’re walking you’ll no doubt have heavy boots and backpack? – ditch these for a cool evening, running shoes, light clothes, walk for 10 mins, then on a nice flat, just try it. Jog really slowly – maybe no faster then your brisk walk on the first time. I’ll bet you CAN do it if your path is flat. You’ll feel damn good about yourself!

    Build up your slope, distance and speed from there.

  • Skean Dhude


    Makes sense. I’ll just make sure that my mobile is included with 999 on speed dial.

    The problem is it takes so much time. I wish I could put my body on auto pilot for things like exercise so I could keep fit while asleep, not be bored and still have time for my other tasks.