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How we need to prepare


Looking to the Future – Justice

The next article in our series ‘Looking to the Future‘ is Justice.

After an event society will be closer to the Wild West than modern times. Our Justice system will be in the same state as well and miscarriages of Justice will be frequent with the punishment brutal. I don’t think there is going to […]

Looking to the Future – Security

The next article in our series ‘Looking to the Future‘ is Security.

Up to this point and before you start going out and about your only security requirements will be to keep low and avoid people looking for some food and water or an occasional visitor. Hopefully, you would have been spared the hordes looking […]

Looking to the Future – Leadership

The first article in our series ‘Looking to the Future‘ is Leadership. Probably the one area where everyone will have an opinion and want a say. I know I will.

Before we are even up and running someone will have emerged as the leader. Perhaps the person with the guns, perhaps the food stores or […]

Looking to the Future

Once it settles down after an event we will inevitably look to the future and start to build. It is just the way we are and our position of dominance on this planet is partly because of the thought put into that process. In the post ‘The real point of what we do‘ I have […]