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How we need to prepare



I go around the US sites quite a lot although not so much over the last few weeks due to time restraints. I’ve been over this weekend trying to catch up and one thing that I keep on seeing time after time is people who are reporting that something or another failed in their plans.

Now, I’m the first to admit that you cannot plan for everything, but this storm was not the worst ever seen, although there are many poor souls dead, and the failures they are talking about are basic ones. Issues that could have killed them if the storm had been more severe or it had been a real event. They were simply lucky.

These problems can be sorted out before you need to rely on your stores and your plans by simply planning correctly and considering the real risks they face and then performing some tests on those plans. Learn from these people, don’t make the same mistake and do some testing. Don’t leave it until it is too late.

It frustrates me that that people will spend thousands to prepare but cannot be bothered to inconvenience themselves and test it out. It makes no sense. You owe it to yourself and more particularly your family.

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