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How we need to prepare


Introduction to Herbal Medicine

As you are interested in herbal medicine, you should learn as much as possible about the type of soil in which plants thrive, the colour of the flowers, the number of petals, and so on. This study of plants is termed Botany. There have been many books written on Botany, perhaps you could borrow some […]

Strawberry runners

I’m not much of a gardener as you know but one thing I do seem to be able to do is plant the plantlets on the runners from the strawberries so I can have nice new plants next year. As you can probably tell it is easy and the plants do most of the work […]

Processing Acorns

Been a very good year for acorns this year and while we were out walking through the local woods I’ve been given instructions to pick up berries, nuts and flowers for a school project. So we had a small bucket for collecting into. After a while we came across a nice Oak at one of […]


Couple of nuggets of information I’ve gathered that I’m passing on. Might be interesting, may not, depending on your interest.

I hate spammers. The forum now seems to get 9 spammers for every real member. I’m banning several spammers a day. These robots are getting more sophisticated and it seems there are actually humans now […]