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How we need to prepare


Electricity Transmission Considerations

All transmission cables; whether they be huge overhead transmission lines or small leads from the wall to your appliance; have resistance. Current through this resistance results in power loss due to heat. This has two effects:

1] Some of the energy transmitted never makes it to the end appliance/device

2] It is the heat dissipated […]


Couple of nuggets of information I’ve gathered that I’m passing on. Might be interesting, may not, depending on your interest.

I’ve been contacted by someone using McAfee that says this site is showing up as malware. I don’t use McAfee but I have visited it with other software. Specifically Norton, AVG and Avast without any […]

Reloading ammo

An area that doesn’t get much attention in the UK is the area of reloading your own ammunition. It is a skill that is not practised much in the UK even though our ammunition costs are much higher than in the US. (Isn’t everything here?)


There are a couple of areas where it is […]

Get someone else to evaluate your retreat and plans

I’ve been out visiting today to a local friend’s house. He lives in an old pub which has been converted into individual living spaces. Enough for about 20 people. The olde style floor plan and the layout means that there is a meandering corridor that leads to his door.

We were discussing the eventuality of […]