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How we need to prepare


Situation update

Well, earlier this week I’ve been hacked and a rootkit installed on my system. It was detected by a scan but was persistent and couldn’t be removed so I decided to rebuild. It is normally not an issue because my desktop and files are all stored remotely on a file server but this time it was not to be.

I’ve recovered all my files except the new website I was working on but I’ve also lost all the emails since I upgraded to the latest version of my email program because it keeps all the data files in a sub directory on your hard disk and not in the supplied server directory. How stupid is that. Thanks there guys for that upgrade. Now looking for a new email program.

Anyway, if you sent me something or are waiting for a reply then you better send it again. I may be offline again tomorrow as I try and catch up with a few days of emails but I’ll be back soon. Have fun without me.

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