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This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

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How we need to prepare


Lists of lists

One of the areas where most of us are lax is in the area of making lists. Sadly, because I’m pretty anal about most things I have lists for most of my preps. Every bag has a list attached, every cupboard has a list inside and I have several lists of the items I want to purchase. I also have lists of what needs to go in a BoB and the car ready for when I need them. I also have lists of items that I would put together if I needed them. Lists such as tools for recce, surveillance, etc. I make lists for areas I am interested in and may purchase at some point. For example I have a list of the items I need to keep bees.

When I prepare these lists I examine all aspects and decide what is more applicable to my requirements. Doing it without rushing means that you can ensure it is done right. If there is differences because of requirements, for example; Winter or Summer, I may end up with more than one list. I put on them what the item is, quantity, what is perishable, what needs to be rotated and if the item is there then a rough date for when it should be rotated out.

I then laminate a copy of each list to make them last while I use a paper copy to record the inventory and store that with the goods. If there is a chance it could get wet it is stored in a sealable plastic folder.

Having these lists before you need them means that if you have a need for a bug out bag then you grab the list and then run around your stocks picking up what you need. Remembering to note the rotation dates if relevant. This way you don’t forget anything in the rush and find yourself looking for something you need but you forgot to pick up having relied on memory.

So start by making a list of the lists you want. Planning ahead, it makes sense.

5 comments to Lists of lists

  • Ellen

    I have lists all over the place. I jot stuff down on the back of envelopes, messed up printer paper (my favorite)anything that will cause me to lock something in my brain.
    I made list of food stuffs in order they will fit into the budget.
    Then I have lists of kitchen plunder, tools and hardware for long term prepping.
    I was totally surprised that I made a grocery list the other day and REMEMBERED to take it with me and actually got all on the list without taking the thing out of my purse.
    Yep! List are good.

  • Paul

    Lists, I love them.
    Problem for me is forgetting the simple thing of throwing away the OLD list.
    Problem for SWMBO is always leaving the shopping list on the fridge door.

    Still, no system is perfect!

  • fred

    I then laminate a copy of each list to make them last

    Not too obsessive, I suppose.

  • bigpaul

    dont really go in for lists myself, although i have printed out lists, of what to keep, in my files, i mostly know what i’ve got ,and havent got, and where it is, although OH keeps a list of the fresh food stocks so we know when to buy some more and dont run out.

  • Timelord

    ……err…..I… am … feeling – listless…