Been busy on the land since the last post. Basically moving stuff up and storing it to make way for things at home as well as setting up areas for the future.
The Bees were front of the queue again with a lot of work required in a hot bee suit.
First up was consolidating all the hives down to standard brood boxes from deep brood boxes. This enables me to move the frames around easily although it meant I had to chop some frames down to size so that I didn’t impact the colonies too much. Next was splitting the hives to grow the numbers. This was made a lot easier with all the frames being the same size. I checked and remarked the queens and checked how everything else was. Everything looks fine but we will know when I check this week for queen cups, new queens.
Spent some time planting things, raspberries, currants, blackberries, brambles, rhubarb, strawberries, cranberries as well as some trees, apple, pear, cherry. I have a wide variety of plants in my garden. I’m moving in more raised beds and will be planting other items as I go on. Next year almost everything will be in place.
I spent a lot of time moving stuff up there as well. I have a lot of bricks I retrieved when a neighbours patio was being replaced.
Moving them up a few at a time with other stuff. No rush they are not in the way, now, at home.
Got six builder bags of hay for the chickens for £15 as well. Always handy when a small bag costs £3 in the pet shop.
I’m also putting my tools away and covering them up. Won’t stop a determined thief but in the dark will be difficult for someone to find. Plus I have a few night cameras up there now. Already found a neighbouring farmer wandering through whom I am sucking up to for shooting rights on his land. Bit of a dilemma there but he told me about it and what he was looking for so I’m less concerned than if it had been a stranger.
Doesn’t look like much but a lot of work went into it.
Finally just for your amusement. Here is where I spent four hours the week before last.
A great uplifting read SD i love seeing things moving forwards and progress being made, bloody well done please keep us up to date, very inspiring …..i hope to join you…will know for sure in a few weeks.
I have some Ramsons, Dog Violets, Bluebells, Cowslips and Primroses all native varieties needing a home SD. They would all do very well in your woodland. If you would like some, pm me an address and I will happily post a few to you.
Already found a neighbouring farmer wandering through whom I am sucking up to for shooting rights on his land. Bit of a dilemma there …
Can’t see the dilemma. Straight bit of blackmail is in order.
Neighbouring farmers are nosey by definition and if there’s half an excuse to look around then they will. More often then not it’s just that they want/need to put a label on you. Most people in my nearest town still have no real idea who I am or what I do but they still gossip like a bunch of old women. I’ve found the best way is to give people something plausible but not quite the whole truth Just enough so that they feel that they’re able to fit you into a pigeon hole, certainly never let on that you have stores or equipment. Planting thorns, briar roses bramble and goji berries on the boundaries helps keep our the occasional meanderthal in a woolly hat, I have also allowed a rookery to build up along either side of my drive which gives me fair warning of”visitors”.