Couple of nuggets of information I’ve gathered that I’m passing on. Might be interesting, may not, depending on your interest.
We have finally finished the first batch of the PDFs for the file area. 27Gb of files for your downloading managers. Sadly uploading takes a lot more time than downloading and I’m still in the process of uploading them. It seems we are discovering new file sites faster than we can catalogue the contents. Will will add everything into there over time and now I’ve found the software that I like and we shall be putting it up this week. Finally.
I’ve been disappointed in my quest to find contributors. I’ve had a few that say they will but nothing comes out. So it’s down to the regulars all the time. So we will have to make do with two or three posts a week while I’m busy away. Thanks go to the contributers who have helped me in my dry spells. Your contributions are appreciated.
Well I dont know if anyone will bother so I will anyway, Thanks SD and team for putting so much time and effort into creating the database archive your efforts will help many people survive the forthcoming traumas. May your god go with you.
sorry about your dissapointing quest for contributers.
but personally I think you guys do an excellent job.
Its better to get 2 or 3 good articles a week, from 2 or 3 contributers, than have 2 dozen contributers posting drivel.
So although its a lot of work for you guys, I think it works pretty well how it does. and your hard work is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks to one and all for the dedicated effort that goes into this facility, it is the only one of its type that I regularly log onto each day – may the community grow with the passage of time.
I too would like to thank Skean and all who maintain this site.
Your efforts are greatly appreciated by myself and others who foresee the tough times ahead.
As sites go, its the best I’ve been on, with relevant articles and the fact that were allowed to post stuff of concern to ourselves and it be posted, not disabled by moderators etc… whether that’s conspiracy stuff or kit reviews very much appreciated.
Keep it up Scooby Doo ( I’m sure that’s what SD really stands for, N.R. is shaggy….
You’ve got a decent site that I’m proud to be part of in my little way.
Always happens that way that the few do the work.
I have over 70,000 kindle books (with no DRM) that I could share (all types of titles), but my problem is that I don’t have internet where I live (I live way out, and there are no plans to even put in a phone line through this area, much less internet). My wife and I don’t go to town except for every week to 10 days, as I am now disabled due to spinal injuries and resulting medical issues, so we only get to check our mail about 3 to four times a month or so. I suppose we could spend about 30 minutes or so each trip uploading some files at a fast food place or something, but as stated in a post above, it would be rather slow. My question would be: what category of topics are needed most, and where/how would I need to send them. Hope I can help at least a little bit. Oh, and concerning the files you have on your site, even though I don’t get to get online too often, yours is the only one I have seen with such a wide variety of well needed information. I just came across your site today, and am thinking… if it took me this long to come across it (as I didn’t even know it existed) there are probably hundreds of thousands of others that are like minded that could really be blessed by the information you have and that also could contribute immensely to your site if there was only a way to reach them. Keep up the good work.
Welcome. Glad you find the site useful.
How did you find this site? It would be interesting to know and might help me expand awareness.
As far as the books go I’m sure we can sort something out. I’ll contact you via email.