I know some survival novels can be good and others bad, also many are American and be a problematic to follow. There are exceptions like Earth Abides and Wolf and Iron.
There are some good lesser known books that are only available in paper and then some if only you can find them and pay the price.
With the advent of Kindle it has allowed what one may call self-publishing which has enabled budding authors to have their work read at very little cost.
Below are two with synopsis and my personal thoughts.
Snow By Ryan Clifford
Synopsis: Every year in the United Kingdom, around November through to February, snowfall will arrive. Usually, it is fairly localised and moderate. Nevertheless, every year when this sprinkling falls, all and sundry are taken by complete surprise and general chaos ensues. Transport links and infrastructure come under severe strain, even though the snow often quickly disappears within a few days. The BAA is on record as stating that they are overwhelmed by as little as 6 cms of snow lying at one of their airports.
So, just what would happen, if, one winter, the snow didn’t disappear, but kept falling – relentlessly – for more than just a few days?
This is one account of what the consequences might be.
Andrew Brady, a cold weather survival expert and RAF officer, is caught up in a fight for his life against the elements as the UK freezes and dies. He adopts Jane Kelly, a journalist and Chris Davies, a twelve year old whose mother has already succumbed to the cold. The story maps their struggle to escape from the UK by land and sea. It also maps the fates of everyday victims of the snow.
Will they survive? Would anyone?
My Thoughts:
This is written like a diary from the perspective of the various characters. We have had two very bad winters to my personal recollection, 1947 and 1963. Which was worse I don’t know but the story line here is all too probable though you may well be able to pull some holes in it. Basically a worthwhile read.
To The Survivors By Philip G Henley
Synopsis: An apocalypse threatens human kind. A lethal virus is detected that attacks mankind and mammals. The Government must act, and whilst the authorities struggle to find a cure, they have to plan for the worst. As the disease spreads it is not clear how many will, or will not, survive, nor what the survivors will have to do to live. They will have to cope with their grief and loneliness before they can attempt to rebuild society. They will need to find water, food, shelter, and power and then face the other threats to their survival. If they survive, there may be hope for human kind. If they survive…
This is not horror genre and there are no zombies, and no asteroids, so if you prefer these types of post-apocalyptic scenarios, look elsewhere. This is a story about surviving.
WARNING The book contains violence, death and some sexual scenes that some readers may find disturbing.
My Thoughts:
Again a plausible story from a prepper point of view. It is the main characters parents who are the preppers but they die before the story even starts. It gives one thoughts as to if our government would even think or do what the government did in this story. If they did it may well make the survivors struggle a bit easier. I doubt if any government would be so helpful. Again a worthwhile story.
Both of these novels are UK based and both provide some food for thought for preppers as to what would I do if I was in that situation.
My thanks John, I’ve added both to my wish-list. My experience (so far, not a lot!) is that there are too few UK-based novels of this kind available – ever hungry for more…
just ordered them both on kindle….looking forward to my week of nights starting on sunday now……£4.50 the pair by the way.
One I have come across that is viable in the uk as well as other places it is called “when all hell breaks loose” it is basicaly a post-apocaliptic survival guide with quite a lot of info and it has very ammusing cartoon pictures to help people remember stuff (and get a chuckle or two)
Its not a story I should mention but it is a very good book on prepping for and surviving during a general purpose apocalipse(basics for any apocalipse)
Just finished “to the survivors” enjoyed it very much indeed , mostly a believable scenario with decent detailing and plot…only had to suspend belief on two occasions…8 out of 10 from me.