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Feel you are the only one concerned about the future? Read Am I Alone?

This site will help you generate Shopping Lists and To Do Lists from your specific set of risks and concerns. The Get Started Here page, also available via the Toolbar, will walk you through it.

The Forum will help you discuss your issues, learn about how others and tailor your preperations for your situation.

How we need to prepare


The Last Post

I’ve just spent the last few days tidying the sites up. Removing the WiKi and Contact Database and finally migrating the files and data for the Main site (this one), the Forum site and Files Area to my main provider. I will be adding new files to the File Area moving on but I won’t be posting anything new on this site unless there are drastic changes.

The data within this site is still useful and I’ll be leaving it on here as an archive. It’ll fall by the wayside eventually and disappear when I pop off and the domains are not renewed but hopefully not for some time. Copy what you can while you still can. At some stage this site will probably be marked as subversive and taken down by order of the state. Note that the links in the left hand column are already out of date although many still work but its pot luck I’m afraid. I’ve left them as some will still be useful.

I’ll also be leaving the Forum up as people are still using it but I won’t be doing anything further with it either. I’ll connect up every now and again and see how it is going.I’ll still be answering my emails so you can contact me on Skean.Dhude using the domain, or via the forum, if you need anything. I also changed my telephone number so you won’t be able to contact me on that. Anyone who has a Survival UK email address such as will find it still works as I didn’t delete them. All other email accounts fell by the wayside when I consolidated my domains a few years ago.

Wishing you all Good Luck for the future and hoping that you never have to use your preps in a real live Survival type scenario.

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