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How we need to prepare


Avoid the Tooth Fairy

In the olden days bad teeth was a death sentence. Although we had less sugars and acids in our diet we didn’t look after them as well and usually people lost their teeth early in life, leading quickly to starvation, sickness and then death. Remember it was a long time before our lifespan went beyond late 40s.

Nowadays of course we eat plenty of food that is bad for your teeth and, to compensate, we generally have a very strict cleaning regime such that most of us have our teeth all our lives. When our foodstuffs change and this removes all these bad foodstuffs I suspect that we will maintain the teeth cleaning as a matter of personal hygiene either using tools we will have stored, you have got tooth care on your list?, or home made tooth care with our homemade toothpaste and homemade brushes.

Homemade toothpaste

Making this is reasonably easy. Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda, ½ tablespoon sea salt, a drop peppermint oil and 6 drops of water. Mix until you get a smooth paste. Use as normal toothpaste. Or simply use baking soda. It doesn’t wear the enamel as much as normal toothpaste and if probably as better way to go anyway. As a last resort you can use soft fruit or berries. Simply brush into the teeth to remove the tartar. Wash out your mouth to remove any seeds. Sounds strange but it works. Try it. I suggest that you start using the substitute toothpaste now as it is actually less abrasive on the teeth and significantly cheaper that shop bought with the additives.

Homemade Toothbrush

For a homemade brush take a small stick from a birch tree. Cut off the ends and make it toothbrush size. Bite down on one end to break the grain and the stick will spread into several fibres like a pastry brush which will act as bristles to clean your teeth. If birch is unavailable try other wood till you find on of the right consistency and grain.

It seems that there are many tools that can replace a toothbrush. Chewing any twig, leaves etc. releases saliva that seems to remove tartar. As long as the item used doesn’t have any sugars or a sticky component it seems to be fine. Not as good as cleaning because, depending on what it is, it may miss out at the back and between the teeth.

Minimal care

Of course even today many people do not have adequate tooth care but technology comes to save the day again. There are many people around who have opted to have their teeth replaced by artificial implants, many have had accidents, have had teeth go bad or damaged them in some way. Teeth are very soft and will be consumed by acid quickly without the enamel to protect them. Although acid will remove the enamel in the long term and thus is only a simple protection. To show you what happens next time the kids leave a tooth for the tooth fairy put it in a glass of coke and watch it disappear.

It is common to see people from the Soviet block with steel teeth, remember Jaws from the James Bond movies, and these can be fitted in such a way they can be individually removed, cleaned and replaced as necessary. In the olden days there were even wooden teeth but they were nowhere near the equivalent of modern teeth for utility.

I’ve been thinking lately that if your teeth are fine then carry on. Make your own toothpaste and use a modern toothbrush to clean them. What though will you do if the teeth get damaged in some way after an event? You are reduced to basic dentistry and the default for serious issues will be removal unless you have a talented dentist on call. Unlikely.

If however your teeth are not fine, they may need some work or they may be beyond repair. I would consider at this point having them removed and replaced with screw on caps. You could then remove your teeth and replace them if there are any issues and you are on your way good as new. In many ways better than new as you now have replaceable teeth. You can get nice white ceramic ones for now, some for backup and for emergency backup some good solid steel teeth. This won’t be cheap but you need work anyway and this is a form of preparation.

I wouldn’t go as far as suggesting we do that for healthy teeth but bear in mind it is an option. There would be several advantages although, again, cost will be a big factor.

NHS False teeth

My father has false plastic teeth from the NHS. The ones that you see sitting in glasses overnight to get cleaned. They are poor substitutes for teeth that actually stay in when you are chewing. They limit what you can eat, are uncomfortable and take some getting used to. I wouldn’t choose this as a solution but needs must, if that is all you have. It may be all that we can make after an event. A wooden set of false teeth that you will have to break in and break in means sores and ulcers on your jaw and gums.

Well being and Health

Bear in mind that there are a few things here that impact on your well being. We like to have nice teeth, embarrassment at bad teeth and smells makes you feel bad, also being in pain is not good either. Breaking in false teeth or living with a broken tooth is going to bring you down and finally, not being able to eat because you are in pain makes you physically ill and perhaps leading to death.


  • Look after your teeth and hope nothing serious happens after an event
  • Replace your teeth with artificials and stock spares
  • Look after your teeth and put aside the equipment for fixing teeth or producing false teeth
  • Train as a Dentist and kit up

I’m torn in many ways about replacing my teeth. I would like to get my teeth fixed in such a way they will last longer than I will. I would also like the same for my family. However, I am not 100% convinced it is the best way forward. It will cause a lot of pain now, cost a significant amount of money and may not be necessary.

So I take everything on a case by case basis. I have dental gear in my medical kit. I also have a copy of Where There is No Dentist. It is very good for dental issues and well worth a read. I’m looking for a basic dental course and a dentist and I’m looking at what I need to make false teeth or install them when the time comes.

4 comments to Avoid the Tooth Fairy

  • Luddite

    Some of my teeth were filled in the 1950s (when the NHS paid dentists by the amount of fillings they did, so I suspect some were unnecessary).

    Gradually, as they’re over 50 years old, I’m getting the old ones replaced. Old fillings are more likely to come loose or cracked, so it’s part of my preps – and the new white fillings look nicer.

    Can I urge anyone with old fillings to at least get them checked out?

  • Skean Dhude


    Especially if you can get the new ones done on the NHS as well.

  • Luddite

    I’m afraid not, SD. They cost me £80 each. The NHS won’t touch them unless they fall out.

  • Skean Dhude

    Oh. I don’t now why I even thought that. You getting something for your money. Silly me.