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How we need to prepare


Strawberry runners

I’m not much of a gardener as you know but one thing I do seem to be able to do is plant the plantlets on the runners from the strawberries so I can have nice new plants next year. As you can probably tell it is easy and the plants do most of the work […]

Let there be Light

A new generation of indoor growing gear is going to be on the market soon. It is called a Light Farm. This one has a major difference though, it uses LEDs and not light bulbs which should keep the electricity costs down.

Indoor cannibis farming will get a boost and will be less likely to […]

Last of the plums and peaches

Just picked the last of the plums and peaches. They were delicious. Coupled with the pears and blueberries that have now finished that is a significant chunk of my harvest for this year.

The plums and peaches are always a good crop and they taste nice too. I’ve even managed to save some this year […]

Looking to the Future – Infrastructure

The next article in our series ‘Looking to the Future‘ is Infrastructure.

Infrastructure is a potential community project. With a potential usage encompassing all in the community to some level it is likely to be one of the first areas where the group decides to collaborate and share the load. The following areas can be […]