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How we need to prepare


Get Your Soil Ready For TEOTWAWKI, by C.J. – A repost

First of all I would like to thank JW Rawles, of SurvivalBlog fame, for allowing me to publish this article. When I wrote to him explaining that I was setting up a site with a bias to UK prepping he gave me permission to republish 10 of his posts to get me started. A true […]

Starting Gardening for Plant Killers

I’m not a gardener, although I am working on it. My gardening skills ranged from growing weeds to killing plants in various ways. Over the last few years I have picked up a few things and have improved the life expectancy of my plants.

In saying that I am not a vegetable person. I prefer […]

Food production

Food is something else we cannot do without. We can only go so long without food before we are unable to function correctly and, eventually, die.

This section is looking at basically producing your own food. Either as a supplement to your existing store bought food or as a complete replacement for store bought and […]