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How we need to prepare


A cat is not just a pet

Currently cats make us feed them and as a reward they let us pet them whilst they relax and claw our furniture. We let them in and out as they want and besides distain we don’t get anything else from them. As a cat provider, owner is a laughable term to a cat, I know […]

The spice of life

Well, maybe not ‘the’ spice of life but I was just relaxing after a nice meal and I was thinking of the tastes that were in there. Tastes that we buy in bags today and don’t think about where they come from. Most of the spectacular tastes we take for granted come from abroad. Some […]

Supply caching

One of the things I have noticed about our US cousins is that many are into burying caches of supplies out in the wilds and away from civilization. I don’t know how common this is but one thing is certain most of us in the UK don’t do it. I’ve looked at it and can […]

Propane as a fuel

I was originally looking at propane as a source of power for the initial transitory period. It is an excellent choice. However, while investigating storage solutions I found advantages in considering it for longer term use.


It last for a very long time, several decades It can power cookers, light, fridges, freezers and engines […]