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How we need to prepare


Handy Items – Wet Wipes

Wet wipes can be bought from most super markets really cheaply, always get the budget brand – non scented, Morrison’s for example an own brand containing 72 wipes for around 50p.

These will prove invaluable when times get hard.

Firstly, for the obvious purpose of cleaning yourself, but beyond that, after you’ve cleaned up with […]


One of the things that stops you keeping your kit and making sure you have to buy new stuff every time a new upgrade is out is that the manufacturers just stop making the spare parts you need.

I’ve just had to replace my fridge/freezer. The brushes are worn out and although it was running […]

Cheap prepping today

Been shopping today. It is one of these tasks that I either loath or enjoy. This was a mixture of both. I had to buy some stuff I didn’t want and some stuff I did. I also visited a new 99p store I hadn’t seen before and I quite enjoyed that because there was so […]

Handy Items – Dental Floss

For those that don’t know Anto died a few days ago. This post, and the one next week, were submitted and scheduled before he died. Our condolenses go to his family and friends.

I get mine from the pound shop, you get 3 boxes each containing 40mtrs, making 120mtrs for a quid, well worth putting […]