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How we need to prepare


Tales from the Riverbank – Pt 3

Living off grid on my small narrowboat was great fun but, as we’ve seen previously, requires some planning ahead to make sure you don’t run out of essentials like water, gas and electricity. It’s not hard, just a way of thinking ahead that in a “traditional” western home you don’t need to bother with as […]

Working undercover

No, it is nothing to do with spying, for either side, but more to do with keeping your preps secret.

One big thing we can do to help our preps is to modify our homes to suit our requirements. Whether it is to enhance our homes such as putting in wood burning stoves or to […]

Prepping while living in a city

We all agree that living in a city during an event is not the ideal situation. We see the risks involved in living there as high for several reasons;

There are too many people there who won’t or can’t move. Many of these people are feral and quite willing to use weapons. There is virtually […]

Tales from the Riverbank – Pt 2

Hindsight, they say, is 20/20. I like to remind myself of that every time I mess up. Which is often.

I’d like to start by saying that up until this point in my life I’d lived in more “traditional” homes, connected to all mains services (and paying a hefty price for the convenience) so what […]