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How we need to prepare


Medical knowledge

I’ve been looking at medical facilities after an event and as we are all aware there are going to be issues with simple medical equipment, never mind the issues around getting treated by someone with medical experience. However, despite the odds Doctors, Paramedics and Nurses will be available, they will just be in very short […]


I’m not a fitness fanatic. I swim once a week, I walk several miles a week and I am careful with what I eat, preferring fruit to meat or vegetables. I don’t do silly things any longer and I am more than careful with what I do, looking when I cross roads, being careful on […]

Identify what you need to put aside – pt 12 – Medical

The next article in our series ˜Identify what you need to put aside‘ is Medical.

In a post survival situation one of the most sought after skills will be medical experience. Experience gained working as a general practitioner or a paramedic would be highly prized as well as related experience such as working as a […]

Free health check

Yes, that is right, get your health checked for free on the NHS. No voucher or coupon required.

Of course that is now. Before anything happens so make the most of the opportunity and make an appointment for a check up.

Don’t tell them you are feeling depressed or stressed, even if you are, because […]